Sedation Dentistry

Calm your dental fears and anxieties on your terms

Finally, Put Your Dental Fears to Rest

Remove any fear of the dentist or dental anxiety with Sedation Dentistry

Avoiding the dentist’s office can harm not only your oral health but also your overall health in the long run. It could result in more complex, extensive dental work in the future.

Dr. Wyman Chen understands the fears associated with dentistry and is committed to your total body health.

You may have had a horrible experience with a dental office in the past or cannot stand the sounds and smells of a dental office. No matter your reasoning for avoiding the dentist, we offer sedation dentistry options to help.

How Does it Help?

  • Immediately eases your anxiety
  • You may forget the dental appointment
  • Complete more procedures in fewer appointments
  • Easy administration
  • Reduces gag reflexes

Do You Have Questions About Sedation Dentistry?

Give us a call at 425-226-2684 and let’s talk.
Or, better yet, Schedule Your Appointment with Denti Belli Dentistry Today!

Request an appointment or give us a call at 425-226-2684 and discover the Denti Belli Dentistry difference.

Denti Belli Dentistry Offers 3 Types of Sedation Dentistry in Our Newcastle Office

Remove any fear of the dentist or dental anxiety with Sedation Dentistry

Nitrous Oxide

Nitrous oxide (inhaled minimal sedation), otherwise known as “laughing gas” is a safe and effective sedation method that is mixed with oxygen and inhaled through a small mask that fits over your nose. Dr. Chen controls the amount of sedation you need to help you relax. Since the effects wear off quickly, this is the only sedation method that offers the possibility to drive yourself home after your procedure.

Oral Sedation

Oral sedation involves taking an anti-anxiety medication before your appointment. The effects can range from minimal to moderate, depending on the dosage. For minimal sedation, you take a prescribed pill, usually one hour before your dental appointment. This will make you drowsy, but you will still be awake. Moderate oral sedation involves a larger dose making some people groggy enough to fall asleep during their treatment.

IV Moderate Sedation

IV sedation (or sometimes known as “sleep dentistry”) has several benefits. Sedative and pain-alleviating drugs are administered through a vein, so it works more quickly. This method allows Dr. Chen to adjust the level of sedation during your procedure, so you receive as little medication as possible. You’ll be awake throughout the appointment, allowing you to return to normal activities more quickly, but you will hardly remember it.

Frequently Asked Questions
About Sedation Dentistry

Who can have sedation at the dental office?
Ideal candidates for sedation dentistry are people with real fear or anxiety that prevents them from going to the dentist.

Sedation may also be appropriate for those who:

  • Have a low pain threshold
  • Can’t sit still in the dentist’s chair
  • Have extremely sensitive teeth
  • Have a strong gag reflex
  • Require a significant amount of dental work
Will sedation dentistry put me to sleep?
You may hear the term “sleep dentistry;” however, sedation dentistry doesn’t make you fall asleep. Instead, it puts you in a deep relaxation where you may feel drowsy and forget about the visit altogether. You may FEEL like you were sleeping. Either way, you’ll feel your anxiety disappear while we get your smile healthy.
Is it safe?
Absolutely! All of our sedation methods are incredibly safe. Our dental team has received the training and education to administer sedation dentistry, and we always pursue continuing education to ensure we’re serving our patients with the best and updated care available.
Can I drive home after having sedation dentistry?
With oral sedation and IV sedation, you must arrange a ride home. With sedation, you’ll feel groggy and drowsy, making it very dangerous to drive back home. If you decide to have sedation dentistry, make sure you have a ride set up before and after your appointment.

Schedule Your Appointment With Denti Belli Today

We Are Fully Open for All Dental and Facial Esthetic Services!

 Request an appointment or give us a call at 425-226-2684 and discover the Denti Belli Dentistry difference.